Grandpa's Cookbook

Prep Time: 10 Mins

Cook Time: 25 Mins

Total Time: 35 Mins

Servings: 4

"The perfect choice to keep you warm now that Autumn has arrived."

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More Recipes

Prep Time: 10 Mins
Cook Time: 10 Mins
Total Time: 20 Mins
Servings: 8
A Grandpa Pete's twist on a classic summer recipe.
Prep Time: 10 Mins
Cook Time: 35 Mins
Total Time: 45 Mins
Servings: 6-8
A tasty pasta dish with fresh and delicious ingredients.
Prep Time: 10 Mins
Cook Time: 20 Mins
Total Time: 30 Mins
Servings: 4-6
An easy crowd-pleasing one pot meal that the whole family will love!
Prep Time: 25 Mins
Cook Time: 1 Hour
Total Time: 1 Hour 25 Min
A meaty lasagna, sure to be a family favorite.
Prep Time: 5 Min
Cook Time: 5-8 Min
Total Time: 10-13 Min
Servings: 1
An Italian spin for a delicious breakfast option.
Prep Time: 10 Min
Cook Time: 14 Min
Total Time: 24 Min
Servings: 6
Summer grillin' with an Italian twist!

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